Rugby, Warwickshire


Total Acreage
Residential Plots
Commercial Acres
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools

Working in a joint venture agreement with David Wilson Homes (East Midlands), we secured planning permission on appeal for 860 new homes and a new primary school on this site to the south of Rugby town.

The site off Ashlawn Road had been identified for development in Rugby Borough Council’s Core Strategy but a planning application was rejected by the Borough Council over concerns about the increase in traffic to a nearby junction and the associated air quality impact.

Rugby, Warwickshire

We worked closely with the statutory consultees during the course of the appeal to resolve issues with the Highways Authority and Borough Council and were able to secure their support for our proposals prior to the public inquiry.

The public inquiry was held in July 2017 and we received permission to create 860 homes, including 40 per cent affordable housing, open space and a primary school. We will be contributing towards a package of improved community and transport infrastructure.

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