The original placemakers

Who we are

Developers & promoters of residential, commercial & mixed-use developments.

L&Q Estates has been in the business of identifying, promoting and acquiring land for over 60 years. Throughout this journey we have gained experience of working with a wide range of people, creating communities that work for everyone. With significant financial resources, combined with the experience and expertise to assemble land, promote and secure planning and deliver the infrastructure required, L&Q Estates is at the forefront of facilitating much-needed housing and commercial development in the UK.

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Our Approach >

Planning & engineering

Our team of experienced in-house planners has been brought together from a background of house builders, consultants and local authorities. Commercially focused, we ensure that both development value and design quality are maximised throughout the promotion and development process.

Our planning team work very closely with our engineering department throughout the planning stages to ensure that development costs are properly managed by identifying the most cost effective and innovative infrastructure design solutions.

Key to our success is our commitment to working and engaging with the local communities within which we operate. We pride ourselves on the efforts we go to in ensuring we fully understand the needs of the local community, with the L&Q Estates team taking a lead role in engaging with local residents, stakeholders, community groups, parish and town councils, ward members and politicians.

Our extensive experience of dealing with sites of all sizes and complexity means there are few issues we have not come across before. Whether highways, drainage, flooding or site- remediation problems, we are able to find a solution which is cost-effective enabling us to unlock complex sites where others may have failed before.

Infrastructure delivery

Our in-house construction team sets us apart from many of our competitors. Involved in our site promotion from conception to the very end of the development, we are able to ensure that our master plans are created with one eye firmly on the provision and delivery of site wide strategic infrastructure.

This thorough and detailed approach also ensures that all aspects of the overall infrastructure package are rigorously tested and value engineered to ensure our vision for the overall development is delivered in the most cost effective way possible.

Undertaking the negotiation of section 38, 104 and 278 agreements and designing, pricing, tendering and delivering site-wide infrastructure not only ensures the prompt delivery of our sites to the market but also serves to reduce house- builder contingencies, and lead-in times thereby maximising land values.

Land sales

Having acquired an interest in the land, secured planning and either partly or fully serviced the site with infrastructure, our development team sell fully serviced “oven-ready” and de-risked plots to a combination of PLC and SME house builders.

Our unique approach to site servicing allows us to create a multitude of different sized development land parcels. This enables us to sell to numerous house builders to suit their size and return on capital requirements.

In turn, this not only ensures we maximise land values but also enables us to deliver developments at a far faster pace than many of our competitors. This assists local authorities in keeping up with their housing delivery targets and
ensuring that we are at the forefront of helping to solve the national housing shortage.

Our Developments >

Residential, commercial
and mixed-use developments.

So if you are a land owner or land agent interested in finding out how we
could help realise your ambitions, or those of your client, then please
have a look through our case studies which provide a snapshot of sites
we are currently promoting, delivering or have recently sold. These display
the breadth and range of the sites we deal with, show how we personalise
each deal to suit your needs together with some real life examples of how
we have helped landowners to unlock the potential of their land.

Explore case studies

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Talk to us

“Our team is well versed in dealing with the complexities of large-scale site assembly, equalisation and tax matters, ensuring you are in safe and experienced hands throughout the process. An initial meeting is informal and entirely at your own convenience - you will find us straight-talking and always willing to listen”.

Adrian Clack - Managing Director, L&Q Estates

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