Bampton, Oxfordshire


Total Acreage
Residential Plots
Commercial Acres
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools

Our work at this pretty village – the home of ITV’s award-winning drama Downton Abbey – highlights the speed with which L&Q Estates operates.

Having identified the seven-hectare site to the west of Bampton in West Oxfordshire and entered into an option agreement for the future promotion of the site, there was a window of opportunity created by the council having neither a Local Plan in place nor a five-year housing supply.

We worked up a planning application in parallel with our promotion of the site through the West Oxfordshire Local Plan and submitted it immediately after the option agreement was concluded.

Exercising the option agreement and establishing the value of the site was achieved in under six weeks.

Bampton, Oxfordshire

We dealt with numerous issues raised by consultees and local residents and were successful in securing a resolution to grant planning consent in March 2017 for 160 homes including 40 per cent affordable housing.

“This is something we didn’t think would happen in our lifetime so it is lovely to be able to help our family out. L&Q Estates have worked with us all the way and they have kept us informed at every stage. They’ve been brilliant and we’re at a final stage that we’re really happy with.”

Mr & Mrs Rouse

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