Winchester, Hampshire


Total Acreage
Residential Plots
Commercial Acres
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools

L&Q Estates acquired a 75% interest in this 400 acre plot of land to the north of Winchester, having purchased a 75% stake in an SPV company, Harley (Winchester) Ltd.

The way in which we are funded, combined with our patient and flexible approach to our working capital, enables us to acquire sites by a multitude of means and serves to set us aside from many of our competitors. Since acquiring the land in 2016, the site is now being promoted through the emerging Local Plan as an urban extension to Winchester by two third party developers who had already acquired an option interest in the site at the time of our acquisition.

Winchester, Hampshire

This land represents the most logical expansion to this cathedral city and we look forward to working with our developer partners to bring forward much-needed new housing.

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