Wykham Park Farm, Banbury


Total Acreage
Residential Plots
Commercial Acres
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools

After submitting an initial planning application on this site in early 2013, we then withdrew the subsequent appeal in March 2014. We considered there was a good prospect of working with the Council to secure an allocation for development in the Local Plan to address the shortfall of housing land arising from the conclusions of the Oxford and Oxfordshire SHMA.

We succeeded in convincing the Local Plan Examination Inspector that the housing requirement should be increased, with more land for development identified.

The Local Plan Examination was suspended in 2014 causing a delay to our application, but in 2015 we secured the inclusion of Wykham Park Farm as an allocation in the Cherwell Local Plan, and in early 2019 L&Q Estates secured permission on the first phase of the land (circa 128 acres).

Outline planning was granted for up to 1,000 dwellings, a mixed-use local centre, a primary school and playing fields for the secondary school, alongside other social infrastructure benefits.

Wykham Park Farm, Banbury

Post-grant of planning, L&Q Estates exercised and purchased the site from the landowner in late 2019 and since have serviced the site with necessary road infrastructure. These works include the formation of new roundabout access from the A361 together with a new link road through the site to alleviate traffic issues.

As part of these works, infrastructure will be provided to open up a further phase of development. A sale to a PLC housebuilder has now been agreed.

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